Did you know that between 1.4 percent and 17.9 percent of adolescents are addicted to the internet? Higher percentages were found in Eastern nations than in Western nations. These statistics were published in the Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine. In today’s society, adolescents and teenagers seem to use the internet as a way to have another life outside of school, work, or being with their families. According to the article on CNN.com, the internet is a type of therapy. In a study of seventh-grade students in Taiwan, 10.8 percent developed an internet addiction. A definition of internet addiction varies but descriptions usually include spending a lot of time on the internet, an inability to cut back on internet usage, being preoccupied with online activities, and withdrawal symptoms such as anxiety, boredom, or irritability.
Internet addiction has been found to occur more often in adolescents with ADHD, depression, or have hostile tendencies. Michael Gilbert of the University of Southern California’s Annenberg School for Communication says that the findings from the study in Taiwan make perfect sense. “The study’s indication that children who are hyperactive or diagnosed ADHD are finding an outlet on the Web makes such perfect sense”
It is possible for internet addiction to become a chronic childhood disease in America as well as other countries. This is why parents, doctors, and teachers can help in certain areas of children’s lives. Families should make the internet a healthy part of their home life. It doesn’t have to be a secret to the rest of the family. If the computer is placed in an open space in the home, it won’t need to be a secret for adolescents.
Do you think that it is possible for internet addiction to become a serious illness for children? Teenagers? Adults? Would other social problems or adolescent disorders cause these kids to have a higher risk of developing an internet addiction?
I can definitely see how adolescents and even younger kids are addicted to the internet. At a youth center I worked at this past summer, the kids would move from room to room every half hour and the computer lab was always a favorite. The kids would be bouncing off the walls and not listening at all, but once they were in the computer lab it was silent. I do believe the internet is almost like a whole different social life and therapy for some people. It may be easier for people to express their emotions through writing blogs or even just on messenger and not face-to-face. It is good therapy for some, but I can see some people getting out of control with being addicted to the internet.
ReplyDeleteIt’s really interesting to me that a higher percentage of people are addicted to the internet from Eastern nations than from Western ones. I personally think I spend way too much time on the computer. Most of the time it is hard not to be considering we are a technological school, so the majority of my homework, reading and research is done online. I definitely think that internet addiction could become an illness for people. When I was little my friends and I played with toys and outside, I wonder if my own children will be doing the same. Rather, I can force them to do the same, but will they want to?
I can definitely relate to this article! I personally do not believe that I am addicted to the internet, but your blog mentioned that people with ADD or ADHD are more susceptible to it. My brother has a form of ADHD, and he is completely obsessed with computers and the internet. My parents don't have internet at my house, but my brother is on the computer as long as they'll allow him. I can definitely see how the computer is an outlet for him: it is fast-paced and keeps his attention. Plus, he likes to create his own computer programs and this gives him an outlet as well.
ReplyDeleteI've occasionally considered whether or not I am addicted to the internet. I am on my computer whenever I get a chance. Either that or I'm sitting in front of my television with the Wii controller. Perhaps my life is just too boring and I'm lazy.
ReplyDeleteI think that it's true that internet addiction could become a chronic illness in children today. Perhaps I may go so far to say that it could be the next epidemic. My younger brother spends just as much if not more time on the computer than I do and he's much younger than I. Young kids should be outside playing, not playing in their virtual worlds.
You brought up many interesting points here. It does not surprise me at all that there a high number of adolescents who are addicted to the Internet. What does surprise was the fact that the percentages were higher in Eastern nations rather than Western nations. Occasionally, I have questioned whether or not I have an Internet addiction, but as soon as I'm outside or away from technology, I realize that I don't need it to survive and I adapt.