What do you think employers look for when they are hiring new employees? What important factors can you bring to the table when looking to join a company?
A recent article from CareerBuildern.com and CNNLiving website describe the top ten reasons why employers want to hire you and what they are looking for. A recent study from CareerBuilder and Robert Half International showed that multitasking (36 percent), initiative (31 percent) and creative thinking (21 percent) are the most important personal characteristics in a job applicant. It is important to have knowledge of the company and what they want before going into the entire interview process. Knowing what they are looking for can help you get the position.
During the survey, six workplace experts chose the ten most common reasons why employers hire employees. These reasons are in no particular order.
- Long-term potential
- Ability to work well with others
- Ability to make money
- Impressive resume
- Relevant work experience
- Creative problem-solving skills
- Strong online presence
- Multitaskers who thrive on variety of projects
- Enthusiasm and initiative
- Good cultural fit
One of the most interesting reasons that I found was having a strong online presence. In today’s society, social networking is becoming extremely important. Having a presence on social networking sites has its positives and negatives. Social networking allows employers to see any content that is placed about you. This means that content needs to be kept appropriate. On the other hand, showing that you are involved in social networking can help employers see you in another role apart from the face-to-face aspect alone.
All of these factors can determine whether one person would be hired over another. Which characteristics do you think you need to work on personally? Which ones are already your strong areas? Good luck in all of your job searches and interviews!
Interesting post! At some point in our lives we will all be looking for careers and thinking about all of these things before interviews. I also found the strong online presence interesting. Today networking is very important and helpful in careers and career searching. I feel that all of the things on the list are very important and it is important to show that you are honest and a hard worker. I also feel that the ability to work well with others is very important and a way to show that you are willing and able to help others when in need.
ReplyDeleteI find the presence online to be a very odd statistic as well. The difficult part is having the right presence. In can come back to bite you in the butt. Overall I think I have a lot of these strong characteristics. If you would have asked if I had a strong online presence before last year, I would have told you know, but now my answer is yes. Due to the communication class that I have taken, I have begun blogging (obviously), created Facebook pages, websites, and more. I am all over the internet, but in positive ways.
ReplyDeleteI find that having a strong online presence is a little suprising. However, I remember hearing earlier this year that one of the requirements for a management position at a certain Best Buy was to have at least 250 followers on Twitter. I'm not sure I completely agree with this, as I'm not sure why this is necessary. Personally, I would say that my ability to work well with others is my best strength while my main weakness on this list is always showing enthusiasm and initiative. I often have it, I'm just not always good at showing it.
ReplyDeleteGreat post. Interesting and useful. You provide information that I could actually use when I'm job hunting after graduation. I would say I need to work mostly on my team working abilities but I feel that my ability to multitask is my strongest area. I don't have much work experience or an impressive resume either, but my ability to work well with others is weakest for sure. I was also a little surprised at "strong online presence" at first, but it would show that you are tech savvy which is important in business today. Also, depending on what kind of online presence you have, you could be displaying skills that the company could find useful that you did not mention in your resume. For example, they could find your photographs and see that you're creative or find your blog and see that you're good with words.